बिना टेट के पदोन्नति किये जाने सम्बन्धी याचिका को मा० हाईकोर्ट ने किया खारिज,टेट की अनिवार्यता सम्बन्धी आदेश दिनाँक 15 मई 2018 को बताया सही, आदेश देखें

It appears that by the impugned order dated 17.05.2018, exercise being
undertaken for promotion of Assistant Teachers has been postponed. It has
not been cancelled as yet.
Under the circumstances and in view of the order of this court dated
15.05.2018 in the case of Deepak Sharma and 3 others (supra), I do not
find any good reason to interfere with the impugned order at this stage.
In view of the aforesaid, the writ petition is dismissed at this stage.
Order Date :- 1.8.2018